Jack Rueter


This will host material on for the EMERALD-FELT (Fieldwork and Early Literary Texts) focus on Erzya, Moksha, Shoksha and other Mordvin-language varieties up until the Second World War. Thus, it sees pre-Soviet literary publications, fieldwork collections and the popularization of the written languages in the 1920s through 1930s.


If you use this data set in an academic publication, we would be ever so grateful if you cited it as follows:


This subdirectory contains materials published by the Finno-Ugrian Society which are being prepared for searchable corpus annotation on the CSC Korp server in Helsinki.

Presently part of this material is searchable on the test branch of the korp.csc.fi server using normalized Cyrillic orthography. The result provides bibliographical metadata for each individual sentence, including presenter, year and place of collection as well as an automated morphological analysis and dependency representation; normalization and automated morphosyntactic presentation are subject to continued development.


Thanks to the Heikkilä Fund and Finno-Ugrian Society for granting 8,000€ to the EMERALD-FELT project to cover the cost of scanning and OCR of the 8 volumes of the Mordwinische Volksdictung collection. This money also made it possible for the proofreading of two volume of Erzya. The University of Helsinki also provided for the funding of a student assistant, who proofread the German translations of the the first volume