Jack Rueter


This is a combination of the first Erzya-language translation of the Gospel in 1821 and the subsequent 1827 publication of the remaining New Testament text.


Documents in this directory come from Erzya-language Bible books published 1821–1827. The text has been segmented according to verse and analyses have been given for sentence position, lemma, part of speech and morphological analysis (2020-02-22):

This is the (Erzya-1821) material, of which some is also available in the [https://korp.csc.fi/test-pabivus/] parallel corpora of Biblical verses for Uralic languages. Material under development can be viewed here

There is a direct relation to the grammar project Erzya-grammar-Gabelentz-1838-39, which can be viewed here.


If you use this data set in an academic publication, we would be ever so grateful if you cited it as follows:

Olga Erina & Jack Rueter & Rimma Averyanova. (2019, April 5). Erzya New Testament 1821–1827 (Version v0.5)


@software{rueter_2019_2629443, author = {rueter}, title = , month = apr, year = 2019, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {v0.5}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2629443}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2629443} }